Single-channel Biopotential Telemetry

     Several transmitter models are available for monitoring a biopotential, such as ECG, EEG, EMG. These models accomodate use in a large range of animal sizes, from mice to dogs and large primates.

      The amplifiers incorporated in these transmitters measure differentially.
EA-F20 mice model has a max. 2.5 mV (p-p) input, which has proven ideal for ECG recording in this species. The somewhat larger rat model CA-F40 has an input range of 10 mV (p-p), suitable for ECG in animals such as guinea pig, rabbits and marmoset. Finally, the largest model, the CTA-D70 also has a max. input of 10 mV (p-p), and is used in dogs, large rabbits and primates. This transmitter also contains a temperature sensor for monitoring core temperature.
      If your protocol calls for simultaneous recording of biopotentials
and temperature, you have the choice of two models: the ETA-F20 and the CTA-F20.

      The leads of the biopotential transmitters are of a design similar to that in cardiac pacemakers. Each lead consists of a helix of special stainless steel wire covered with an insulating layer of silicone. By removing a short section of insulation from the tip, the bared metal can serve as sensing electrode. In other applications, the leads can be connected to an electrode of choice by the user.

      All of these models will also yield information on spontaneous activity of the animals when DataQuest A.R.T. is used for data acquisition.

      If your protocol calls for monitoring more than one biopotential, or for a combination of biopotential(s) and other physiological variables such as temperature, (blood) pressure, or all of these, be sure to look up our information on the PhysioTel®MultiplusTM transmitters.

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